Pinhole Photography Workshop
NYC IRL or virtual creative workshop for culture, innovation, and wellness (see demo below)
Great for teams of up to 50 people | 90min | Minimum $1000
About Pinhole Photography
This Book Is A Camera was invented by NYC artist Kelli Anderson in the Adobe Creative Residency program in 2015. It’s a pop up book that taps into the intrinsic properties of light to produce a photograph. It’s the intersection of art and science but feels like magic.
How does it work? The pinhole is the simplest type of camera lens. The function of any camera is to isolate a beam of reflected light. These reflected rays enter the lens and make contact with tiny light sensitive crystals on the photo paper.
The crystals grow darker in proportion to the intensity of light that it’s exposed to, hence on negatives black and white look reversed.
Given its simplicity, in a pinhole camera all objects are in equal focus regardless of distance.
Developing your own B&W photo with ground coffee is a moment of complete awe and wonder and a peak shared moment between colleagues that results in a lasting bond.
Outcomes of this 90min creative workshop include creative flow, new knowledge and appreciation for an analog art form, being present, focus, confidence boost, and authentic connection with others over a meaningful experience.
The pinhole camera can be used many times over and shared with family and friends. Additional camera paper can be bought online.
About This Event
The Pinhole Photography kit includes This Book Is A Camera paper pinhole camera, 5 sheets of light sensitive RC photo paper, trays, washing soda, and ground coffee for development.
All participants need full sunshine outdoors as well as indoor access to a dark room (eg windowless bathroom or closet).
The only thing the participants need to bring is a cup of water.
Additional photo papers can be purchased online.
Shipping - please allow 10 days for US shipping and 2 weeks for international shipping. We can ship anywhere in the world!
We will walk you through the history of photography and the steps of taking a photo (the analog way) and developing it with simple household materials. We will start indoors and load the light sensitive photo paper in a dark closer or bathroom.
We'll go outdoors (or through a window) and capture photos using 1800s tech, reminding us that the most lo-fi materials can be structured to tap into the most impressive forces at play in our world.
After we take a shot, we will return indoors to develop the photo paper (negative) with ground coffee and washing soda. All supplies are provided in the kit except for a cup of water.
Lastly, we will reverse the black and white photo negative with a phone app and you will have a digital photograph to keep forever. Given that we are developing the photo paper with organic materials instead of toxic chemicals, the image captured on the photo paper will fade with time and exposure to sunlight.
Virtual events: We will ship a Pinhole Photography Kit to each participant in advance (anywhere in the world).
NYC events: we will bring supplies for each person to your venue of choice - office, restaurant/bar private room, 3rd party space.
About 28Muses
Sally Bozzuto, Pinhole Photography Cultivator, is an artist, educator, and creativity coach with specialization in lens-based arts, installation, social practice, and sound. She has over a decade of experience teaching at some of the top art institutions in the country including the Rhode Island School of Design, School of Visual Arts, and International Center for Photography among others.
Alyssa Gundred, your Event Host, is the Cofounder & CEO of 28Muses. Previously she was a Creative Director and Head of Ops and HR for Myriad360 where she grew the company from a small business to over 150 employees and $100mm in revenues.
The mission of 28Muses is to cultivate creative power through wonder and play to build the 4 pillars of highly performing teams: culture, DE&I, innovation, and wellness.
The secrete sauce to every 28Muses event is unique human expression contained in a safe space where everyone feels seen and heard.
By design, everyone’s work will turn out different allowing each person’s unique lens and personality to shine through.
When team members share how they see and interpret things differently and how they approached the task at hand, it results in true empathy and an authentic lasting connection.
See your world differently

Pinhole Photography is perfect for NYC and virtual team building, NYC offsites and retreats, and any team looking for exercises for culture, creativity, innovation, and wellness.
Choose 3 complementary activities for a retreat or quarterly plan